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Graduate Education 2020 was launched in 2006 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the CGS/GRE Enrollment and Degrees Survey. The program supports a major international conversation, to evolve over a decade, on the future of graduate education. An annual symposium conducted in concurrence with the CGS meeting in December each year brings in leading thinkers and strategists with expertise on topics including demographics, global trends in higher education, the economy, technology, and social transformation. Please see below for CGS publications on the project.
Graduate Education 2020 (2009)
The Graduate Education 2020 symposium series, a partnership between CGS and ETS, promotes strategic reflection on trends that promise to shape the future of graduate education. This first volume includes a framing essay by CGS staff and contributions on a range of topics from three speakers at the 2006 and 2007 CGS "Graduate Education 2020" symposia: Anthony Carnevale, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, and Chris Dede.
Graduate Students in 2020: New Perspectives (PDF) (CGS Communicator, July 2006, Volume 39, Number 6)
Graduate Education 2020: CGS Launches Annual Research Symposium on the Future of Graduate Education (PDF) (CGS Communicator, January/February 2006, Volume 39, Number 1)