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    Letter from the President

    Dear CGS Member,


    As we all know, higher education is the focus of ongoing debates in the U.S. and internationally. Graduate leaders are called upon to make decisions in many important areas—to name only a few, student access, institutional accountability, diversity and inclusion, online education, and career outcomes for master’s and doctoral students. As no one can predict the future of graduate education, one of our best leadership strategies is to equip ourselves with the best information available.


    This is where CGS plays a critical role, providing graduate leaders at 500 institutions with essential data and “best practice” expertise. As a think tank for graduate education in North America and around the world, CGS research has shaped innovative practice in a broad range of areas: financial education, professional development, master’s education, student career pathways, degree completion for underrepresented students, Preparing Future Faculty, and learning assessment, to name only a few. The CGS website is an up-to-date source of information on our recent Best Practice initiatives and data analysis related to trends in graduate education. CGS web tools, meetings, webinars, and publications are designed to give our global network useful, just-in-time information.


    As a former graduate dean, I am also aware of the important role that deans play in public discussions of graduate education. Now more than ever, it is critical for graduate schools to demonstrate the ways in which graduate education and research are strengthening the workforce, economy, and society as a whole. CGS actively supports these advocacy efforts, providing public policy resources that help members “make the case” for graduate education in conversation with policy makers and the public. Through our GradImpact initiative, we are also pleased to feature members’ examples of graduate education contributing to the public good.


    Of course, the continued success of any organization depends upon the good ideas of its members. I welcome opportunities to learn more about the priorities of your institution and your suggestions for how CGS can help support its goals. 



    Suzanne T. Ortega


    Brief Bio


    Selected Articles by Suzanne Ortega


    CGS is the leading source of information, data analysis, and trends in graduate education. Our benchmarking data help member institutions to assess performance in key areas, make informed decisions, and develop plans that are suited to their goals.
    CGS Best Practice initiatives address common challenges in graduate education by supporting institutional innovations and sharing effective practices with the graduate community. Our programs have provided millions of dollars of support for improvement and innovation projects at member institutions.
    As the national voice for graduate education, CGS serves as a resource on issues regarding graduate education, research, and scholarship. CGS collaborates with other national stakeholders to advance the graduate education community in the policy and advocacy arenas.  
    CGS is an authority on global trends in graduate education and a leader in the international graduate community. Our resources and meetings on global issues help members internationalize their campuses, develop sustainable collaborations, and prepare their students for a global future.