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    Brown, C., Hansen-Brown, L., & Conte, R.
    Journal of Applied Global Research, 2011
    Volume 4, Issue 10, Pages 41 - 58, Intellectbase International Consortium
    In summer of 2010, UNF instructors took 10 students to the Arizona to study sustainable design. As part of the course, customized learning communities were created at a variety of field locations. The course involved assessment of student learning at different intervals, including assessment of student knowledge before, during, and after the course. During post-course assessment, a new hybridized quantitative methodology was developed called "content analysis with stance indications" to assess the degree of transformational learning that took place for each student. This paper discusses the overall course design, assesses student learning gains, and attempts to measure student engagement using an adaptation of content analysis. The paper then recommends course design changes to further optimize student learning and engagement.


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