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    Mathematics: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusiveness
    8. Mathematics: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusiveness

    The program in Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics at the University of Memphis tied for 14th ranking by America’s Best Graduate Schools. One of the faculty members, who also serves as Provost, is the winner of the Euler Award, the highest award in Mathematics. Attracting some of the brightest graduates in the world, enrollment of domestic students from underrepresented populations is low. It was therefore fitting that the Department of Mathematics was selected as one of the CGS/Peterson’s Inclusive Graduate Community award recipients. Selected undergraduate students were invited to a campus visit and a colloquium led by Euler Award winner, Dr. Ralph Faudree. Prospective students met with faculty mentors and other graduate students to learn about this prestigious program.


    A second event supported with CGS Peterson’s funding was a joint initiative with the Department of Mathematics and the College of Education targeting teachers of Mathematics, many of whom are women and minorities. A presentation on “Differentiable Manifolds” and a comparative, global study of pedagogical styles of achievements were the highlights of the presentation. Several of the attendees applied and are expected to be admitted to the program.


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