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    Rethinking Humanities PhD Resources


    Career Advice for PhDs

    Carpe Careers Blog at InsideHigherEd (Graduate Career Consortium)

    The Humanities PhD Project (University of Michigan)

    Connected Academics (Modern Language Association)

    AHA Career Diversity Resources (American Historical Association) - Includes AHA Career Contacts, a free mentorship program for history PhD students and early-career PhD historians

    Humanists@Work (University of California Humanities Research Institute)

    PREP program (Michigan State University)

    The Praxis Network (Scholarly Communications Institute at the UVa Library, 2012-13)

    Vitae Blog at The Chronicle of Higher Education

    GradLogic Blog (Chris Golde, Stanford)

    Beyond the Professoriate (L. Maren Wood & Jennifer Polk)

    Beyond the Tenure Track (Fatimah Williams Castro)

    Jobs on Toast (Chris Humphrey)

    PhD Career Guide 

    My Grad Skills Resources

    #Alt-ac: An Introduction (Skallerup, 2014)

    So What Are You Going to Do with That? Finding Careers Outside Academia, 3rd ed. (Basalla & Debelius, 2015)

    Navigating the Path to Industry: A Hiring Manager's Advice for Academics Looking for a Job in Industry (Nelson, 2014)

    Next Gen PhD: A Guide to Career Paths in Science (Sinche, 2016) - STEM-focused, but a useful starting point for PhDs in all disciplines


    Career Exploration

    ImaginePhD (Graduate Career Consortium)

    Career success/IDP template for PhD students (Michigan State University)

    Researcher Development Framework (Vitae)

    Career Diversity for Historians (American Historical Association)

    Beyond Academia (American Philsophical Association)

    Beyond Academe (Alexandra M. Lord)

    Jobs Outside Academe (Chronicle of Higher Education)

    Position descriptions (ACLS Public Fellows)


    Career Paths Data Collection

    CGS Career Pathways (Council of Graduate Schools)

    The Humanities Workforce (Humanities Indicators)

    Where Historians Work: An Interactive Database of History PhD Career Outcomes (American Historical Association)

    IPLAI TRaCE project (Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University)

    Survey of Earned Doctorates (National Science Foundation)

    Survey of Doctorate Recipients (National Science Foundation)

    Early Career Doctorates Survey (National Science Foundation)

    Inside and Outside the Academy: Valuing and Preparing PhDs for Careers (Conference Board of Canada, 2015)


    Intellectual Leadership and Resources for Graduate Programs

    Doctoral Student Career Planning, A guide for PhD programs and faculty members in English and other modern languages (MLA, 2017)

    Resources for Graduate Program Innovation (The Humanities PhD Project, University of Michigan)

    No More Plan B (American Historical Association)

    MLA Task Force on Doctoral Study (Modern Language Association)

    Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track (Rogers, 2013)

    #Alt-Academy (Scholarly Communication Institute, University of Virginia Library)

    From All Sides: Rethinking Professionalization in a Changing Job Market (Ball, Gleason, & Peterson, 2015)

    Professional Development: Shaping Effective Programs for STEM Graduate Students (Denecke, Feaster, & Stone, 2017)

    Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (B.E.S.T.) (National Institutes of Health)

    Enhancing Graduate and Postdoctoral Education to Create a Sustainable Biomedical Workforce (Fuhrmann, 2016)

    Revitalizing Graduate Education (The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, 2016)

    Ugrow (University of Miami)


    NextGenPhD Consortium Project Pages


    Preparing Future Faculty

    Scholarship on Career Paths

    From Rumors to Facts: Career Outcomes of English PhDs (Nerad and Cerny, 1999)

    At Cross Purposes (Golde and Dore, 2001)

    The Many Careers of History PhDs (Wood and Townsend, 2013)

    Humanities Unbound: Supporting Careers and Scholarship Beyond the Tenure Track (Rogers, 2013)

    Biomedical Science Ph.D. Career Interest Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Gender (Gibbs, et al., 2014)

    What Do I Want to Be with My PhD? The Roles of Personal Values and Structural Dynamics in Shaping the Career Interests of Recent Biomedical Science PhD Graduates (Gibbs and Griffin, 2013)


    Social Media Hashtags









    Stories of PhD Career Paths

    Writing Support

    Supporting Graduate Student Writers (Simpson, Caplan, Cox, & Phillips, 2016)

    ScholarStudio Blog (Daveena Tauber)

    The OpEd Project

    Object Lessons Workshops (2017-2018)



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