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    Professional Development for Graduate Students

    Professional development for graduate students remains one of CGS's core commitments. The organization has led a variety of initiatives and research projects to encourage programs to make professional development for graduate students a priority.


    Professional Development for STEM Graduate Students

    The Council of Graduate Schools conducted a pilot project in 2014-16 to study the professional development needs of graduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields and the programs and resources in place to meet those needs.


    International Experiences

    The Council of Graduate Schools conducts best practice research on international issues in graduate education that directly impact U.S. institutions, faculty, and graduate students. The projects examining international issues focus on the growing efforts of institutions to develop international collaborations and experiences that bring distinct benefits to all stakeholders and enhance the preparation of U.S.-trained students for successful global research and careers.


    Financial Education

    The Council of Graduate Schools is passionate about making graduate students more financially literate and empowered. To that end, it has worked with other stakeholders to create tools and provide information to help graduate students take control of their finances. 


    Scholarly Integrity and the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

    The Council of Graduate Schools is committed to advancing the scope and quality of graduate education in the ethical and responsible conduct of research. Since 2003, CGS has worked with members to develop promising practices in responsible conduct of research (RCR) and research ethics education for graduate students. Please see below for an overview of current and prior best practice initiatives in this area and links to the project pages.


    Future of the Dissertation

    The Council of Graduate Schools is leading discussions for how to change doctoral education and create future generations of doctorate holders ready to tackle tomorrow's challenges. 


    CGS is the leading source of information, data analysis, and trends in graduate education. Our benchmarking data help member institutions to assess performance in key areas, make informed decisions, and develop plans that are suited to their goals.
    CGS Best Practice initiatives address common challenges in graduate education by supporting institutional innovations and sharing effective practices with the graduate community. Our programs have provided millions of dollars of support for improvement and innovation projects at member institutions.
    As the national voice for graduate education, CGS serves as a resource on issues regarding graduate education, research, and scholarship. CGS collaborates with other national stakeholders to advance the graduate education community in the policy and advocacy arenas.  
    CGS is an authority on global trends in graduate education and a leader in the international graduate community. Our resources and meetings on global issues help members internationalize their campuses, develop sustainable collaborations, and prepare their students for a global future.