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    A variety of well-known and distinguished speakers (in order of appearance) include:

    • Candace Thille, Director of Learning Science, Amazon
    • Tara Westover, Best-selling author of Educated, named one of the 10 Best Books of 2018 by The New York Times
    • Kevin Young, Director, National Museum of African American History and Culture
    • Eric Nguyen, Author of Things We Lost to the Water, included on President Obama’s Summer 2021 Reading List, and editor in chief of diaCRITICS
    • Russell Jeung, Professor, Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University and Co-Founder, Stop AAPI Hate
    • Liz Skilton, Associate Professor of History and Director of Public History, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
    • Frederick M. Lawrence, Secretary and CEO, The Phi Beta Kappa Society

    More information about the meeting, including registration and COVID-19 safety protocols, is available on the CGS website.


    CGS is the leading source of information, data analysis, and trends in graduate education. Our benchmarking data help member institutions to assess performance in key areas, make informed decisions, and develop plans that are suited to their goals.
    CGS Best Practice initiatives address common challenges in graduate education by supporting institutional innovations and sharing effective practices with the graduate community. Our programs have provided millions of dollars of support for improvement and innovation projects at member institutions.
    As the national voice for graduate education, CGS serves as a resource on issues regarding graduate education, research, and scholarship. CGS collaborates with other national stakeholders to advance the graduate education community in the policy and advocacy arenas.  
    CGS is an authority on global trends in graduate education and a leader in the international graduate community. Our resources and meetings on global issues help members internationalize their campuses, develop sustainable collaborations, and prepare their students for a global future.