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    University of Missouri-Columbia
    Graduate Education for the Responsible Conduct of Research

    The Graduate School will implement an integrated set of RCR training activities that will culminate in a Dean's RCR Certificate. The training will consist of at least two courses: a one-credit introduction available either as Saturday workshops or as an online course, and a second course addressing RCR issues in the context of specific disciplines.


    The Graduate School will provide seed money to faculty for the development of these latter courses, five during the first semester, and five during the following semester. Resources will be made available on a Web site of best practices for RCR instruction. Expansion of the Certificate requirements will be pursued over time, as interest develops.


    For assessment, a pre- and post-test will be administered to students pursuing the certificate, with attention given to the comparison of those who use the Saturday format to those who enroll in the online course. Additionally, faculty developing the discipline-specific courses will be required to design a method for evaluating targeted discipline-specific skills, as well as a method for demonstrating the impact of the training on departmental culture. Students perceptions of their own improvement in discipline-specific skills will be elicited through a questionnaire, and questions about RCR will be added to the survey given to all graduates, to provide a comparison of RCR knowledge of those completing the certificate with those who did not.


    A final measure of success will be the numbers of students completing the certificate and the numbers of faculty offering discipline-specific RCR courses. Information about the project will be communicated to faculty via the RFP, follow-up e-mails, the campus newspaper, and an RCR Web pages, with links to useful resources.


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