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Evaluation of the National Science Foundation's Integrative GraduateEducation and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT): Follow-up study of IGERT graduates
Abt Associates
February 2011
This report presents the findings from the IGERT Graduates Follow-up Study, which was designed to investigate the short-term professional outcomes of IGERT graduates and to assess whether IGERT- funded graduate students are prepared for successful STEM-related careers and have developed the requisite research, teaching, and leadership capacities.
The Adaptech Research Network consists of a team of academics, students and consumers conducting research on the use of computer, information and adaptive technologies by Canadian college and university students with disabilities.
This site is designed to share Michigan State University's experiences, materials, and outcomes for an introductory, large-enrollment course in cellular and molecular biology, Cells and Molecules (Bio 1).
The mission of the Center for Teaching and Learning is to provide activities and services that help individuals, departments, and programs to identify and achieve their desired level of teaching excellence.
On July 1, 2008, Cornell launched the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE). It encompasses three of the units of the former Center for Learning and Teaching: the International Teaching Assistant Program, the Teaching Assistant Program, and Faculty Program. The CTE emphasizes the importance of life-long learning for the development of outstanding teachers, including faculty members and teaching assistants.
Center for Teaching Excellence – Assessment Resources
Cornell University
The assessment of student learning looks at both creating effective evaluation schemes as well as providing effective feedback to students on their learning.
CGS is the leading source of information, data analysis, and trends in graduate education. Our benchmarking data help member institutions to assess performance in key areas, make informed decisions, and develop plans that are suited to their goals.
CGS Best Practice initiatives address common challenges in graduate education by supporting institutional innovations and sharing effective practices with the graduate community. Our programs have provided millions of dollars of support for improvement and innovation projects at member institutions.
As the national voice for graduate education, CGS serves as a resource on issues regarding graduate education, research, and scholarship. CGS collaborates with other national stakeholders to advance the graduate education community in the policy and advocacy arenas.
CGS is an authority on global trends in graduate education and a leader in the international graduate community. Our resources and meetings on global issues help members internationalize their campuses, develop sustainable collaborations, and prepare their students for a global future.